Fatigue due to excessive stressful mental or physical work may cause you feel sleepy during day time, but Fatigue and Day Time sleepiness are two different physiologigal phenomenon (some times pathological). Fatigue is a muscular process or the inability to maintain force generated by muscular contraction. On the contrary day time sleepiness is related with the central nervous system, having many causes, such as sleep deprivation, repeated brief interruption of sleep, drug and alcohol intixication.
For muscles to work energy is required, that comes from HUMAN ENERGY CURRENCY, synthesised im the body known as ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). When the muscles are used for work continiuously, this enrgy source gets depleted and other waste products are accumulated in the muscles, so muscles fails to respond, or they become unable to sustain or maintain contraction. This condition is known as Fatigue. Many factors aggrvates this phenomenon, such as high temprature, anaerobic exercises, low oxygen level, inadequate salt and water balance in the body, low carbohydrate intake ( nowadays atheletes take lot of carbohydrates to overcome Fatigue), inadequate iron & other minerals in the body, etc. Fatigue is overcome by giving rest to the muscles, so that it can replenish its energy source & excrete the waste products generated during muscular work. Fatigue doesnot affect judgemental activities as it is a purely muscular phenomenon, but Sleepiness can affect judgemental behaviour. Sleepiness also affects the social and Family life, there is also increased risk in operating vehicles and machineries. subjects often deny that they are suffering from day time sleepiness. It is very important to differentiate thes two conditions as it affects the judgement function. To avoid Fatigue one should take plenty of fluid & proper intake of minerals, taking rest between exercise, proper working condition with ambient environment, good carbohydrate intake, avoid repetitive muscular work for long.
Day time sleepiness can be prevented by taking proper 6-8 hours sleep, avoidance of drugs and alcohol, improving health & fitness. For more question reply to the blog or visit http://drrakesh-medhelp.blogspot.com/